Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things to Do to Keep Fit

It is not everyday that you get up from your bed refreshed. There are days or times you get up and notice that you are lazy, you don't feel any enthusiasm or bubbling at all. When this is the situation, just a five minute walk-out could be all that you need to warm up your energy and put your body in the right frame for the day.

The following tips below, which may last just five minutes, can help you maintain a fit and healthy living.

1) Sitting on the heels lower the trunk, with the hands fully extended, and the palms and fore-head placed on the floor. This helps the body to operate maximally, especially, the hands and the legs. The muscles benefits immensely from this exercise.

2) Secondly, you can sit down and stretch your legs front. Then bend the right knee and place the right foot on the outside of the left thigh. With the inside of the elbows placed just below the right knee clutch, the right flexibility to the spin and massage the kidneys and the abdominal organs. This promotes better bowel action.

3) You can equally stand, with your feet close together and with your hands stretched over your head, then take a deep breath. Do slow counts of one to ten, then, breathe out, and breathe in again. Now, while doing this, adjust your trunk to different positions, left, right, upright, etc. Then strengthen and drop both hands by the sides and rest. This helps to burn fat around the hips and the flanks. Also, it knocks sleepiness out of the system. A good therapy for staying healthy always.

Lack of time is one of the many reasons why many of us fail to have enough work-out that our body needs so desperately. At times, it may be simply that we are plainly lazy, after all, body no-be-firewood. So, you can't expect to be strong, or feel the same everyday. But even when you feel that your sleep was not refreshing enough, you should not allow that to spoil your day. Rather, have some walk-out to refresh and start-up yourself for the day. This walk-out, which may not even last more than five minutes, but warms up your muscles, helps the body to tap on its energy reserves by producing glucagons, which is an energy releasing hormone.

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