Saturday, August 30, 2008

Axillary Hyperhidrosis Treatment - 3 Different Ways to Cure This Type of Excessive Sweating

Axillary hyperhidrosis treatment is perhaps the most evolved out of all of the different types of excessive sweating. This is perhaps because it is one of the most common types there is. In this article, read and discover many different ways to treat underarm sweating.

Medical Grade Antiperspirant

Although this can be used on any part of the body, it is still the first line of defense to treat underarm sweating.

Apply it about once per week and use a fan to dry it out after application - this will stop the itching or burning sensation.


Although this method is more often used to treat the hands and the feet, with a minor modification it can be used for the underarms.

A typical treatment of around 20 minutes is enough to block the sweat ducts for around 2 to 3 weeks.

Botulinum Toxin

More commonly known these days as a treatment for middle aged women to hide their wrinkles, it has long been used in the medical industry for it's paralytic qualities.

Injecting 12 shots of it under each arm is enough to stop the sweating for at least 3 months. As good and effective as it is, there are side effects and the treatment is not exactly cheap either.


Liposuction-curettage surgery is the most effective type here. During this procedure, a canula is inserted and the sweat glands are scraped away from the inside.

This will eliminate sweating under the arms but you will likely get compensatory sweating elsewhere such as around the trunk of the body (chest and back).

Natural Methods

All of these methods are well and good but they only fight the symptoms, the sweating, and they do not address the actual cause, an imbalance in the sympathetic nervous system.

One novel way is to make small changes in what you eat and other aspects of your lifestyle. In many hyperhidrosis sufferers, they have been able to restore a natural, normal balance and have no further need for treatments, no drugs, equipment, shots or anything else.

Advanced Treatments For Toenail Infection

Very few people initiate to take additional precautions for the maintenance of nails. Even an individual who goes out few extra kilometers for a morning walk or a daily exercise often tends to neglect the health of his nails. It is only when we become too conscious about the unsightly appearance of our unkempt and infected nails, the insufferable pain and the intolerable smell of the fungus growth; we take steps for effective medication. Often the situation arises that the fungal growth becomes quite complex for treatment. In fact, the best way to keep your nails healthy is to avoid the possibility of getting infected with fungal growth by taking up preventive measures.

Nail fungal infections particularly toenail fungal infection is quite common as around half of the people visiting the dermatologists are infected with toenail fungus. As the feet stays mostly under damp and wet conditions inside covered shoes, the nails of the feet especially the toe gets affected by fungal infection.

The fungi that cause fungal infection in nails often tend to spread to the skin of the body. So, physicians during the time of diagnosis try to trace out the source of the fungus and treat it. Toenail fungal infection is quite difficult to treat as the fungus normally grows beneath the nail plate. The fungi live on the keratin of the nail and progress to other nails gradually. As a consequence the infected nail gets discolored. The color changes from yellow, green to sometimes even black. Sometimes the infected nail gives out foul smell along with intense pain that often makes walking difficult.

Nowadays, ways of nail fungal treatments are effective to a great extent due to advanced researches on fungal infection. Fungus is an anaerobic microbe that grows on conditions that have less percentage of oxygen. The fungi can be killed if the medication is focused on treating the nail under excess of oxygen. Other than application of topical medications there are several experimental treatments that are put into practice to combat with the fungal infection like photodynamic therapy (PDT) and nanoparticles.

To prevent nail infection we should clean our foot daily and keep it dry. We should always make sure that the nail is not subjected to daily wear and tear unnecessarily. Usage of well sterilized instruments for pedicure will certainly decrease the chance of getting affected by a fungal infection in salons.

Stop Underarm Sweating - Easy to Treat When You Know How

To stop underarm sweating is not so difficult when you know the various treatments available. You can then choose which one is most appropriate for your own condition. Let's take a closer look.

Clinical Strength Antiperspirants

If you prefer more natural options then read ahead but I would still not dismiss this method straight away.

If you see your doctor then he can prescribe you a medical grade antiperspirant that is stronger than anything you will find in the regular stores.

You apply it only about once per week although you may get some slight burning or itching sensations.


With this method, you need a special apparatus.

Two sponges are soaked with tap water and one placed under each arm. A low electric current is then passed for about 20 minutes.

Don't worry, the current is so low that it is not painful and patients describe it as a "tingling" feeling only.

It will block the sweat ducts for around 3 weeks.

Botulinum Toxin

This toxin is used for middle aged woman to hide their wrinkles! But it is also used especially for treatment of underarm sweating.

It is not cheap but it does work well. Around 12 shots are needed under each arm and the effects last for around 3 months.

Natural Methods

In my opinion these are the best. The problem with all the above methods is that they only treat the symptoms and they are not cures.

A natural approach of lifestyle and the foods you eat can help to restore the balance of your sympathetic nervous system (part of the body that regulates sweating) to that of a normal person. No drug or product can do that, only natural methods.

Know the Body Detoxification Process

Detoxification is a natural and ongoing process of neutralization and elimination of toxins or contamination from your body. Though most of us may not notice, there is some detoxification happening all the time in our body that is necessary to maintain life and for health. Detoxification promotes the excretion of toxins stored in your lungs, liver, kidney, bowels and blood circulation.

The liver is the primary organ that detoxifies toxins by filtering toxins and contaminants from the blood and breaking it down into smaller compounds that can be excreted by other eliminating organs. The kidney filters toxins from the blood into urine and the lung removes any gaseous wastes through exhalation. The bowel remove most solid wastes and bacteria toxins from your bowel. Therefore, it is important that these organs are always working properly.

If not eliminated properly and the toxins accumulate in the eliminating organs, it will prevent the organs from functioning properly. This can cause hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency and slowing of metabolism. Excess toxins that are not broken down and eliminated are reabsorbed into the blood circulation where it interferes with nutrient absorption and is the precursor for bacteria, viruses and parasites to multiply.

Although many expert have said that detoxification is a natural process and our bodies do not help, it is also true that we now consume and are exposed to a far greater amount of toxins through food, water, and environment compared with one or two generations ago. Without any help, these new new surplus toxins will accumulate in our organs gradually and interfere with organs functions. When this occurs, the flow of energy in your body will be interrupted and that can effect your emotional or physical wellness.

Surgery For Hyperhidrosis - Is Surgery Helpful Or Dangerous?

Surgery for hyperhidrosis should only ever be considered as a total last resort. Even when this is the case, there is no straightforward decision to make. Let's take a closer look.


Lipo is by far the safer surgical option of the two. Like liposuction for removal of fat, this procedure involves the insertion of what is called a "canula", a kind of medical straw through which suction can be applied.

during this procedure, a small insertion is made and the canula inserted. The sweat glands are then scraped off and sucked out from the inside.

Although this sounds a little "barbaric", it is amongst the better types of surgery for hyperhidrosis.

ETS Surgery

In a person with hyperhidrosis, their sympathetic nervous system is in a state of imbalance and messages are sent via the nerves to the sweat glands which then overproduce sweat because they are "told to".

In ETS surgery, the nerves that carry these messages are cut and therefore the sweat glands cease to sweat.

This surgery is highly controversial and carries significant side effects.

If you look on the internet, you will see as many doctors arguing against ETS as there are arguing for it. Personally, I would advise you to stay well away.

Side Effects Of Surgery

The most common side effect with surgery is known as compensatory sweating. This is where another part of the body sweats more to compensate for the sweating that no longer occurs due to surgery.

But for many hyperhidrosis sufferers, this compensatory sweating is considered less embarrassing than the original sweat problem.

Excessive Sweating Treatment - How to Cure Your Embarrassing Excess Sweating Condition

Excessive sweating treatment options are numerous and you need only know a few tricks to bring it under control. Find out what they are, in this article.

Work Out In The Mornings

Many people who also have the same problem have found that if they work out in the morning then they will sweat less for the rest of the day, even if they keep well hydrated.

Wash The Affected Area Twice

The bacteria left behind after sweating can contribute to further sweating and especially more stale odors. If you wash the affected area twice and finish your shower with tepid water (not hot!) then you'll find a great improvement in how much you sweat and also the odor.

Clinical Grade Antiperspirant

Speak to your doctor and he can prescribe you with a clinical strength antiperspirant that can be used on any part of the body and not just the underarms.

The best part is that you only need to apply it about once per week.

Natural Antiperspirant

You can also get a natural version from most health stores and some pharmacies.

This is called a "rock crystal" and consists of thousands of mineral particles impacted together. It has natural antiperspirant qualities.


This is a method of running a low electric current into a bath of water and into which the affected part of the body is placed. Unfortunately, it can only be used for excessive sweating of the feet, hands and the underarms.

Natural Methods

These are the best. If you look at all the above treatments, they all just address the symptoms of the problem, the sweating, and none of them try to fix the original cause, which is an imbalance in the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the body that control sweating.

There are unique natural methods that can be used to restore the balance to that or an ordinary person.

Friday, August 29, 2008

There Are Around Forty-One Million Americans Who Have Drugs in the Drinking Water!

Today when you fill up a glass of supposedly clean tap water, what you really have is a heady mixture of prescription drugs in drinking water! Sounds too unrealistic? Well, just go through the extensive survey carried out by Associated Press and you'd be terribly disturbed by the findings. Southern California's drinking water testing turned up anti-epileptics, Tucson's water supply showed an anti-biotic and three other medications in it, San Francisco had sex-hormones in the water whereas New Jersey water survey turned up contaminated with anti-depressants and mood stabilizers! These are just a few of the twenty four cities that were covered by the survey all of which showed traces of prescription drugs in drinking water. There are around forty-one million Americans who have drugs in the drinking water!

Agreed that these were just traces that turned up however, imagine drinking this water - at least eight glasses a day - every day! How much would that add up to inside your body? Various institutes and individuals are studying the possible harm that would eventually result. True that we may not be the sufferers - at least not too badly - but think of your children - and their children! It is not just about tap water. It is about water being recycled, water from the ground table and so called pure bottled water! Prescription drugs are very specific to the ailment. For instance, if a person has cancer, the treatment will be specific to him or her. Now, imagine that self-same drug finding its way into a tumbler of water for a pregnant lady! Can you even think how the tiny being inside her could be harmed! I shudder at the very thought.

As a developed and progressive nation, you'd think that the water supplying companies would ensure that we get pure drinking water. Well, you'd be astonished to learn that many of the water supplying bodies - be it government or private, do not even test the water before supplying it to you and me! Even more amazing thing is that those who do carry out checks don't think it important to inform the public of the drugs in the drinking water that show up in these surveys!

Even as the amount of the drugs being prescribed is increasing so is the presence of prescription drugs in drinking water. Usually all these medications are not absorbed by the body. A lot of it gets into the sewage system through waste matter. Apart from this, a lot of unused medicines are flushed down the toilet on recommendation of the manufacturers! All this leads to the presence of unwanted substances in the treatment plants which cannot treat the water effectively enough. Furthermore, ingesting these drugs can lead to deposits inside our body with long term repercussions.

To clear the prescription drugs in drinking water, you need to do it yourself. Boiling the water is the best bet followed closely by installing a good and effective filtration system. There are a wide variety of options available in the market but you have to buy the one that will rid you of the drugs in the drinking water. Make the right choice.

Foam Sclerotherapy Treatment

Spider veins and varicose veins are conditions that afflict countless women across the world. This condition will leave unsightly discolored veins that can reduce a woman's self confidence and at times can be very painful. There have been many different types of treatments that are available for treating these conditions, some having more success than others. This article will focus on the foam sclerotherapy treatment and its effectiveness in treating people who suffer from spider veins.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment where the affected veins are injected with a solution that will effectively eliminate the problems of varicose veins and spider veins. Once the injected solution is in the veins, it will cause an inflammatory reaction and this will lead to the walls of the vein to stick together. After this occurs then the vessel will scar and then seal off. This will then lead to general fading and eventual disappearance of the vein.

Foam Sclerotherapy is one the new found methods that has been in use to help treat large varicose veins and spider veins. How it works is the liquid sclerosing agent is mixed with room air and then a foam is created. This foam is then injected into the affected vein. The benefit of using the foam, as opposed to the liquid is based off the fact that foam is able to cover a much larger surface area. This means that the sclerosing agent will be in direct contact with the veins wall. It also being a foam form will result in it being much harder to dilute. There is a benefit of using the foam with ultrasound imaging, as it shows up well and this makes it much easier to track. This will make it easier to guide it to the affected vein.

There are advantages and disadvantages in using the Foam Sclerotherapy method. One such advantage is the fact that using the foam proves to be much more accurate, especially when combined with ultrasound imaging. This means the affected vein can be targeted properly. Another benefit is the fact that surgery is eliminated for some conditions that can be treated by sclerotherapy. The disadvantage arises is the safety of using the foam. Some people are against it because you are introducing carbon dioxide into the body. Another set disagree with its use because of the possible allergic reactions to the solutions.

Having the foam sclerotherapy treatment done is regarded as being very safe. Despite this there are some minor side effects that may occur. Some people may have an allergic reaction to the sclerosing agent that is used. The other side effects are general bruising and a slight pain from the needles used in the process.

Are Drugs In Our Drinking Water?

In the US we have some of the best living conditions that can be found anywhere in the world. We are prideful in this fact and boasts of it often. So, it comes as quite a shock to hear of the recent findings that have declared that there actually are drugs in our drinking water. It's quite a frightening thought which pops into the mind every time you fill up a glass with tap water. Imagine drinking a light cocktail of heart medications, tranquilizers, anti-depressants and even sex hormones - everyday! That's what it comes to. The regular intake of these drugs in our drinking water can harm us in the long run.

There are a number of researches and studies that are being conducted to determine the amount of prescription medications and their combined by-products and drugs found in US drinking water. They are also studying the effect of this contaminated water on the cells of human beings. Some results have shown that cancer cells grow rapidly in the contaminated water - drinking or otherwise. Other results have shown that normal cell development is hindered when exposed for long periods of time to this water.

Some people and specially water treatment bodies and pharmaceutical companies are of the opinion that the traces of drugs found in US drinking water are so low that they will not have any impact on human health. however, ingestion of heart medication, blood pressure medicine, contraceptives, mood stabilizers and even cancer medicines over a long period of time even in minute doses will definitely have some impact on human health!

You may wonder how these drugs found in US drinking water end up there in the first place. A lot of doctors and health facilities recommend flushing unused medications down the toilet. These medications find their way into treatment plants that are not equipped well-enough to clean the water of these. Worse still are the drugs that end up in the ground water as these cause contamination to an even greater number. The bacteria and viruses that grow in sewers and were traditionally treated with antibiotics now evolve in the antibiotic water and become resistant to the very drugs that are meant to kill them. This means that there are now new strains of super bugs that are now difficult to kill and can harm people to a greater extent.

There is not enough awareness about this problem. And even among those who are aware, the seriousness is not enough to try and control it. It is up to us to be aware and take precautions and control measures instead of condemning the governing bodies. There are two things that need to be done. One is to clear out the drugs in our drinking water and the other is to do our bit to ensure that these drugs don't get into the water system. Clearing the drugs in our drinking water is easier than it seems. What you will need is a very good filtration technique. Nowadays there are lots of good filtering systems designed specifically to clean pharmaceutical drugs from water. You have to look carefully to see that this is being done by the filtration system you choose.

It is in our interest to see that we don't dispose of prescription drugs by flushing them into the sewage system. We can spread this idea among our friends and relatives.

Treat Yourself to a Luxurious Home Spa - Less Money, More Often

A day at the spa - what a welcome release! However, most individuals just dream about the soothing music and luxurious spa treatments because they don't have the time or money to indulge. That doesn't have to be the case, a bit of pampering from time to time goes a long way to making you feel good about yourself and ready to take on the day.

If you are at your wits end with work, the kids, the house or just the hectic pace of life you can create your own mini home spa tonight and re-create it as often as you need to. In fact, having the ability to turn your bathroom into a spa for even half an hour before you hit the sack will not only relax you but can become a weekly indulgence without the cost or the time involved in day spas.


To really feel like you've been transported to a luxury spa it's worth it to set the stage properly. Here are the six steps to creating a mini home spa and how to enjoy it.

First, get rid of the toys! Or any other clutter in the tub. Dump them in a bin and set them outside the bathroom door if you have to, but don't try this with rubber frogs and superhero washcloths lying around.

Second, have a big towel ready. Have several on hand if you're trying any body wrap that you will need to wash off later.

Third, it's worth the little extra to invest in a plush, comfy bathrobe and slippers. It's a one time expense to really feel like you've gone to a spa.

Fourth, candles and a CD. Find something tranquil that suits the mood you're going for. Are you looking for rejuvenation or relaxation? Aromatherapy candles in scents like lavender for relaxation or citrus for rejuvenation will intensify the effects of your other treatments.

Fifth, face mask, exfoliation tool or scrub, Epsom salts and essential oils. Whether you prefer to create your own products from kitchen ingredients on hand, like bananas, honey, cucumber or chocolate; or if you purchase a few samples from the drug store, create a theme with your selections. A lavender oil in your bath with a rich, moisturizing chocolate or mud mask will feel extra indulgent. A peppermint bath with a cucumber mask will refresh you like nothing else.

Sixth, time. Put aside at least 20 minutes to enjoy your mini home spa. Fill the bath with hot water, turning on the shower for additional steam, and place a few teaspoons of Epsom salts along with several drops of your essential oil. Light the candles and turn on the music. Wash your face with a warm face cloth and apply the mask liberally. Unrobe and slip into your bath; start with your exfoliating scrub or pumice and then let yourself relax and enjoy all the sensations; smell, feel, sound.

When you're done, wash off the mask and moisturize from head to toe. Complete the experience by wrapping yourself in the soft robe and enjoying a cup of herbal tea selected to compliment your spa experience. Choose peppermint or citrus tea for a rejuvenating spa or a jasmine or chamomile tea for a relaxing spa.

Creating a home spa is so easy and affordable you'll have no excuse not to indulge as often as you wish!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Foot Care to Avoid Nail Fungus

Medical research tells us that some people are at greater risk of fungal infection than others, but all of us can lower our risk with good foot care to avoid nail fungus. These infections usually start in a toenail and spread to other toes and then to the hands, so paying extra attention to the feet lowers the risk of fingernail infections too. It's likely the feet are more often infected because they get less air circulation, are washed less often, and come in contact with contaminated surfaces more frequently.

Good nail hygiene protects nails from onychomycosis. A simple routine of foot washing and nail care can make a big difference. Wash your feet daily, making sure that you wash between the toes where dirt and dead skin cells can easily become trapped (dirt often contains fungal spores and dead skin cells are one of the things fungi use for food, so its important to clear these things away). Complete your foot care to avoid nail fungus by drying just as carefully between the toes using a clean dry area of the towel for each toe. If you put moisturizer on your feet, do not use it between your toes because this can increase the moisture there, which encourages fungi to grow.

Healthy nails are another part of foot care to avoid nail fungus. Keep your nails clean and trimmed, clearing away any material lodged under the nail, and removing jagged or chipped ends. Trim hangnails carefully, doing as little damage to the surrounding tissue as possible, and do not cut the cuticles. If you wear nail polish, clean it off frequently so that you can see the condition of the nail underneath. Remembering that good hygiene protects nails from onychomycosis, always wear shoes in public places and do not share nail care instruments with others. Buy your own tools and take them with you if you visit nail salons.

Keeping your feet comfortable not only makes sense, but it's important foot care to avoid nail fungus. Footwear that's tight and airless, sandals that don't protect your toes from bumps and scratches, and synthetic socks that don't allow air circulation or absorb moisture all contribute to the growth of fungi. Hot sweaty feet should be washed and dried, as should dirty feet or feet that have been in wet shoes or boots. Even minor injuries can be the start of a problem, so first aid is important.

Though good hygiene protects nails from onychomycosis, it sometimes isn't enough. If you see discoloration of thickening of a nail that could signal the start of an infection, consult a medical professional promptly for a diagnosis.

The Importance of Drinking Water Free of Chemicals, Drugs, Carcinogens and Other Toxins

There are no benefits of drinking water that has been contaminated with chemicals, drugs, carcinogens and the other toxins that are present in our freshwater sources. The importance of drinking water cleanliness is sometimes overshadowed by the other needs of industry and society in general.

What can you do?

That's what everyone should be asking, but most people simply look for someone to blame. Let's stop doing that.

This is one matter that you can take into your own hands and into your own home. You can help protect yourself and the environment.

There are many health benefits of drinking water, but if toxins are present, it becomes a problem. The human nervous system is like a tiny waterway in which signals are passed along from one part of the body to another.

Toxins cause the waterways to thicken. Nerve signals become interrupted.

You may experience sharp pains for no reason. This could be a factor in many chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, cluster headaches and migraines.

The importance of drinking water, free of contaminants, is relevant to many health conditions.

Several physicians have written books about the benefits of drinking water for a variety of reasons. For example, it naturally aids weight loss efforts. But, primarily we need it for proper hydration.

Without adequate fluid intake, our bodies cannot excrete waste products. They build up within the system and we become toxic to ourselves. If we are constantly ingesting toxins along with our fluids, then our body is working much harder than it has to.

Proper hydration is not only achieved by consuming fluids, but also by consuming adequate amounts of electrolytes. That explains the importance of drinking water with a trace mineral or electrolyte content.

The two most important electrolytes to the human body are sodium and potassium.

There are many other benefits of drinking water, but let's get to what you can do about contamination. We have the technology to remove nearly 100% of all the contaminants that are present in our freshwater sources.

Water treatment centers have not upgraded, because it is expensive in a large scale facility.

In the home, the technology is very inexpensive: it costs much less than buying bottled waters.

The taste and quality is better than bottled. And, environmentalists are pleading with people to stop buying so many of those bottles. The cost to the environment of creating and disposing of all of those bottles is enormous.

Thus, the importance of drinking water purification in the home is an environmental, as well as a health issue. You should choose a purifier that removes chlorine, THMs, VOCs, lead, cysts, pesticides, herbicides and herbicides.

The best ones can do all of that and still leave a healthy electrolyte content.

Some purifiers remove all traces of minerals and electrolytes. That's really "too pure" for the human body. It can lead to nutritional deficiencies, dehydration or even hyper-hydration.

To sum it up, here are the benefits of drinking water that is purified in your home: you save money, protect and improve your health and help to protect the environment.

I hope you will take the next step. Take the time to find the best water filtration system to help protect you and your family.

Discover How to Stop Feet From Sweating All Over the Place!

Want to learn how to stop feet from sweating and slipping you up? It can be quite annoying dealing with sweating feet because not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also cause some unpleasant odor. And if you're a woman who happens to enjoy wearing high heels, those are something you do not want to loose your footing in! So what can be done to help keep your feet high and dry? There are several things you can try out.

One of the first things you want to do to stop feet from sweating is ensure there is enough ventilation down there. One way to do that is to ensure you are wearing the right pairs of socks. Some socks are made of unnatural fibers which don't allow your feet to breathe, then at the end of the day your feet are left so wet you can hear them squish as you wiggle your toes in your shoes. So what you need to do is start wearing only 100% cotton socks! Do not use Nylon, Rayon or even a cotton/nylon blend. You want only 100% cotton. This will make a huge difference that you can feel at the end of the day.

And ladies, if you're slipping or feeling uncomfortable while in those high heels, check out Payless Shoes for an insert that fits into the ball of the foot area. This insert keeps your foot from slipping out of your heels. If you can't find this in this store, try searching for them online. Another thing you can do is just opt to wear some high heel sandals on the extra hot days so that your feet will be well ventilated and you won't have to worry about slipping.

One last thing you can do to stop feet from sweating is to simply bring along more pairs of socks with you to work. During lunch or whenever else you feel the need to, excuse yourself and change into a fresh new pair of socks in the washroom. Just get into one of the large bathroom stalls and you'll have more cover than Superman gets in a phone booth, that's for sure.

Want to Stop Face Sweating?

To stop face sweating is no easy task if you have an excessive sweating issue that is. It's in the worst place as well since your face is the first thing people see, the last thing you want is to hear people asking you "Are you OK?", that is just gut wrenching. So how do you prevent the social embarrassment and keep that darn sweat off your face? Well, there are several ways to go about it, some easy, some not so easy. Let's start with the easy.

The first thing you should try to stop face sweating is simply carry around a hanky with you. Yes, that's it, a hanky. Whenever you feel the sweat coming on strong, pull it out and wipe your forehead dry. Simple and effective, the only problem is you may have to do it quite a few times if you're having a particularly bad case of sweating.

So if you happen to be having one of those bad gusher sessions, what can you do then? Well, the best thing to do would be to prevent that from ever happening, and one way to cut down on that sweating by at least 20% is with an antiperspirant. Now you may say: "But I can't roll that on my forehead!" but the fact is there are antiperspirants in gel format that would be great for the face. If you can't find them in stores, check for them online. Just apply a thin coating to your face and forehead and you're good to go.

Lastly, if you really want to stop face sweating, you can go for Botox treatment. What will happen is Botox will be injected under the skin to disrupt your sympathetic nerves from signaling your sweat glands to sweat up a storm. By disrupting the communication, you sweat less, simple. The only thing is you will need to go in ever 6-12 months as the injections wear off. Also, this option will cost you around $600-$700 each time.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Causes of Toenail Fungus Infections

There are many possible causes of toenail fungus infections. One of the most common is the constant exposure to water or moisture. This explains why many athletes, particularly swimmers and divers, have a higher incidence of toenail fungal infections than other people.

Fungus naturally grows much faster in wet environments. If your feet are constantly wet, they become very attractive to toenail fungus. In addition, the warmth of the feet also promotes the growth of toenail fungus. To minimize the chances of acquiring toenail fungus infection, you should dry your feet as thoroughly as possible before putting on your socks and shoes.

Besides warmth and moisture, there are also genetic causes of toenail fungus infections that are beyond your control. Certain diseases and conditions contribute to the chances of getting a fungal infection in the toenails. Such conditions include Down syndrome, Raynaud's disease and Cushing's syndrome.

Diseases such as HIV and diabetes also make certain people more prone to toenail fungus infections. It is interesting to note though that male diabetes patients are thrice as likely to get toenail fungus than women with diabetes.

The other causes of toenail fungus infections are related to the practice of improper foot hygiene. For instance, some people do not think twice about wearing shoes while their feet are still wet. As mentioned before, it is important to completely dry your feet before putting on your shoes.

If you expect to sweat a lot while wearing your shoes, it is advisable to apply some foot powder before wearing your socks. You should also make sure that the socks that you buy are made from cotton materials as these are very good in absorbing excess perspiration and moisture.

While you're at it, you should also check the materials used in your shoes. Synthetic materials such are plastic are a no-no as these prevents the natural air circulation in your feet, trapping more moisture and germs inside the shoes. Toenail fungus is also contagious so you must avoid sharing footwear with other people, even if they are family members.

Wearing very tight shoes is also among the causes of Nail fungus infections. Footwear that do not fit properly will not only make your feet hurt but they will also constrict the toes and pave the way for ingrown toenails. These painful abnormalities of the toenail are among the chief causes of toenail fungus infections that can not only result in severe inconvenience but can also take up to several months to cure.

Now that you know the common causes of toenail fungus infections, you can take care of your feet and toenails much better and avoid the hassle of having to deal with toenail fungal infection.

Best Hangover Cures

A hangover is what your body feels when you consume too much alcohol the night before. Heavy consumption of drugs or alcohol can deplete the body of much needed nutrients as well as dehydrate it to a critical level.

These are some of the symptoms that come with a hangover are fatigue, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, hot flashes and of course dehydration.

One of the biggest causes of hangovers is congeners. Congeners are linked to the color, taste and aroma of dark alcohol drinks and seem to be tied to hangovers. Drinks like red wines, dark bourbons and stout and dark ales seem to produce a worse hangover than by those drinks that include less congener like vodka and light beers.

Dehydration is also a leading cause of hangovers. The best hangover cure is to drink plenty of water during the time you are consuming alcohol. Drinking water on a one to one basis while consuming alcohol will most definitely reduce and in some cases eliminate your hangover the next morning.

Some say the best hangover cure is to drink water during the time you are consuming alcohol. After the night is over and you are about to turn in for the night drink a sports drink that is filled with B vitamins. Gatorade or Vitamin Water is the two best for this. Drink a pint of water with a multi vitamin or drink a sports drink before bed and this is the best hangover cure.

Once you wake the next morning be sure to eat something light and have some more water. Remember drinking coffee won't help as it contains caffeine and that will just rob your body or hydration and not replenish it.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bleaching For Toenail Fungus Removal

If you are wary of expensive medication costs and dermatologist's bills, you should definitely consider bleaching for toenail fungus removal. This is probably the cheapest way to eliminate fungal infection on your toenails or fingernails.
However, in exchange for the savings you can have if you choose this method, you will have to wait for quite a long time before you are able to see the results. Usually, it takes about two to three months before the toenail fungus is completely removed.
Bleaching is used for a variety of purposes. Foot care specialists usually recommend their clients to soak their feet in a mild solution of bleach and water 10 minutes prior to a foot spa session in order to soften the skin on the feet and keep them clean and fresh. Typically, this solution is comprised of one part of bleaching powder and about a hundred parts warm water.
However, if you are going to use bleaching for toenail fungus removal, you will need to put in more bleaching powder for a stronger solution and you will also need to soak your toenails for a longer duration. It is recommended that you keep your feet in the solution for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Before you undergo bleaching for toenail fungus removal, you first have to trim your toenails as short as you can and use a pusher to make the nails a little thinner. This will help the active chemicals of the bleach get to work more quickly on the inner parts of the toenail, which can then eliminate the toenail fungus much faster. Also, make sure that you completely remove nail polish before you start bleaching for toenail fungus removal.
Bleaching for Nail Fungus removal is a daily routine that you must get used to. Some people even soak their nails twice a day - once in the morning and once before going to bed at night. This doubles the effects of the bleach in removing the toenail fungus.
In order to see the results you want, you will have to repeat this daily process for a couple of months. Some individuals who lack the patience to wait for the results make the mistake of increasing the amount of bleach that they put in the water.
There are even a handful of persons who apply the bleaching powder directly onto their toenails in the hope that they will have immediate results. In these cases, there is a large chance of getting your skin irritated since bleaching powder is a potent substance.
In order to avoid these mishaps, you must be very patient. If you do not have the time to undergo this repetitive process, then maybe you should look at methods other than bleaching for toenail fungus removal.

Chiropractors - Position Yourselves to Solving America's Health Care Crisis!

Fifteen years ago I would lie in bed at night scratching my ankles like crazy. Then I would move to my thighs and then my arms. You see, I had a bad case of eczema and had suffered from it for years.
I went to different doctors to see what could be done. They would look at me and give me a prescription cream, then tell me that it would not help the eczema, but it would make it so it would not itch as much. Then they would tell me that there is no cure for eczema and I would just have to learn how to deal with it.
I started thinking about that and shared my story of having an incurable disease with a friend of mine that was an independent rep for a nutritional company. She gave me some pill and insisted that I use some of the laundry detergent as well since it did not contain any filler. Whatever in the world fillers are.
I was desperate, so I tried it. My eczema was minimized and the itching decreased. I started thinking that there might be something to this. However, it never did go away completely, however it was bearable.
As I started to study and learn about nutrition I learned something interesting. Just as the doctors were doing, she was looking at the symptoms and wanted to treat it.
I later met a chiropractor who specialized in nutritional healing. As I started to go for adjustments and participate in his healing program, I learned that there is a cause for each illness that we have. In order to eliminate the symptom, you need to find the cause of the illness and then treat that cause.
The reason I share this story is because I believe that chiropractors are positioned to solve the health care crisis of this country. As a chiropractor, are you focusing on just doing adjustments? Or are you looking at other ways to serve your patients needs?
What would have happened if this doctor just did the standard chiropractic stuff? Who knows how long it would have taken me to overcome this "incurable disease", eczema.
I was recently reading in a book and the author made and interesting statement. "One reason for the crisis in medicine today and the loss of confidence of the people is that medicine has denied the very uniqueness of the individual from the start. For years the science of medicine has attempted to lump all people into a single test tube. (The Healing Triad, Dr. Jack Tips)
You, as a chiropractor, are positioned to solve this issue. My Chiropractor looked at what the cause of my eczema was as an individual, and I'm sure it was several things. You need to step up to the plate and use your knowledge and skills to help people. Educate your patients on what alternatives there are out there for them.
If you are not sure, start to do some studying and research. With your education and experience you could be up and running in a matter of a few days. Not only will your patients benefit, you will receive the bonus of increasing your income.
America is in the need of solving the health care crises. We don't need more drugs, we need more education and to have our health care providers look for the cause of our symptoms not just treat our symptoms.
Chiropractic has come a long ways over the last few years. It was once looked down upon. However, as the public became educated, your vital services have become common wellness care for many. Now that you have the public's trust, go one step further and start looking at other low cost, effective services that you can offer your patients. By so doing you will become the answer to this crisis.

How to Counter the Effects of Black Mold Exposure

You can find black mold by tracing its odor around the house. Black mold gives off an earthy, musty smell that can become rather pungent when growth is profuse. "Smelling around" is the best we can do when looking for black mold growth because they can be rarely seen.
Especially problematic areas are hard-to-reach nooks and crannies in a room, small spaces behind furniture or kitchen appliances that rarely get cleaned, behind walls, and inside ceilings.
You could experience several different symptoms when exposed to black mold. The non-toxic variety may cause a stuffy, congested nose, coughing, sneezing, difficulty in breathing, headaches, and skin or eye irritation.
Since many doctors are not too familiar in dealing with black mold exposure, mainly because its symptoms are so similar to those of other illnesses, you have to give him a little help. When at home, keep a journal. Try to keep a log of the rooms you enter and where or when you start experiencing the symptoms.
This will help you in locating the black mold growth and eventually eliminating it. Once a particular area is cleaned out, your symptoms are expected to improve, but if not, then there may still be other areas that could require looking into.
When exposing a certain section of the home, don't forget to turn off the airconditioning and heating systems. The ducts run throughout the house and the airborne spores can easily travel from one room to another. In addition, always wear gloves to protect your hands and a face mask to keep from inhaling the spores.
What about toxic mold?
Ordinary black mold exposure may be easy to deal with, but exposure to toxic black mold is a whole other story. The spores can immediately attack your healthy cells, impairing not just the respiratory system but the digestive and nervous systems as well.
It attacks myelin, a component of the covering of the nerve cells, and has been linked to mood swings and severe depression. The worst part of it all is the effects can be long-lasting and may remain in the body even after the toxic black mold has been eliminated from the home.
There is little that can be done to reverse the effects on someone with long-term toxic Black Mold Mold exposure, but the insidious harm it brings can be stopped with a detoxification process. Your doctor may not be an expert in detox but he can refer you to a detox specialist.
Asthmatics, people with histories of allergies, children, and the elderly have weak immune systems and are thus highly susceptible to the effects of black mold exposure. If you believe that you, too, have a weak immune system, don't try to handle the mold cleanup yourself - hire the services of experts who can do a quick and thorough job for you.

FAQs About Black Fungus Infection

1. Where can you get black fungus infection?
Typically, you can get infected by the black fungus if you touch contaminated soil or rotting plants in your garden with your bare hands. It can also be acquired from public places like gyms, swimming pools and public restrooms.
You can also get black fungus infection from manicure tools that have not been properly cleaned and disinfected. Black fungus infection can start much more easily if you have a cut or a wound near the nails so you have to attend to these injuries immediately.
2. How does the black fungus spread?
Once you have contracted the black fungus infection, it settles underneath the fingernail where it is warm and moist. This kind of environment is ideal for the fungus and this is where it grows by producing spores. In a few days, the fungus will have entered the nail itself as well as the skin around the infected nail.
3. What are the symptoms or black fungus infection?
The initial stages of the black fungus infection are similar to those of other minor nail infections. The fingernail or toenail begins to turn a yellowish color. You may also notice that the nail starts to thicken.
As the infection advances, the symptoms will also include the deformation of the nails, scaling of the skin surrounding the nail, and an acute pain at the tip of the finger with the infected nail. The nail's color also changes from yellow to a dull brown, and finally, to black.
4. How can you avoid getting the black fungus?
For such a serious disease, the prevention of the black fungus infection is very easy. While gardening, you should always wear protective gloves and wash your hands immediately after tending your plants.
You must also wash your hands with soap and water whenever you use public items. This is not always a possibility so you should keep a hand sanitizer in your bag at all times. You must also trim your nails regularly. If you do have long nails, make sure you always clean under the nail and keep the skin clean and dry.
5. What are the cures for black fungus infection?
There are several ointments and medications you can use to treat Nail fungus infection. However, the method and length of treatment varies depending on the severity of your individual situation.
Typically, it will take around two to three months to treat an average case of black fungus infection. For more serious cases, it could take a lot longer. Although these medications are very effective, nothing beats prevention as the best cure for black fungus infection.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Which Knee Brace is Right For You?

Has the pain you are experiencing started a long time ago, or did you injure yourself recently?

If so, what is the mechanism of injury?

These are great questions for you to consider, if you are looking for a knee brace.

To be honest, there are a number of significant manufacturers of quality knee braces. But, if you are new to knee braces, you can easily get "lost in the forest" of trying to decide which knee brace is best for your needs.

Let's keep it really simple...because that is the way the answer must be for you to make the best decision. There are a number of knee braces and each can have different facets due to your diagnosis.

Here is where you should start. Ask yourself these questions : Do I have a mild injury? - Do I have a moderate knee injury? - Do I have a serious knee injury? Am I suffering from a form of arthritis?

What would you rate your pain on a scale one out of ten?

These are important questions.

Another bit of helpful information for you is that a person must know that there are a number of knee brace categories. There are knee braces for osteoarthritis (OA), post operative rehabilitation (such as post op knee braces) patella femoral tracking, and the list goes on...

Everyone is different, everyone's knee is different, therefore not everyone will need the same knee brace.

The first step is to distinguish what your need is...Do you have arthritis? Do you have a ligament injury? You know more than anyone what's going on with you, well....besides your physician....

Usually, the more pain you are having, the bigger the knee brace you may need...

The best place to start regarding your condition is to talk to your physician. You may have a mild sprain, or you may have an ACL tear. Your physician will be able to diagnosis these issues. As a result, your physician may be able to discuss with you the significance of your injury and help you to avoid the wrong knee brace! Is your knee problem the result of a disease process? Or, are your knee issues a result of a trauma or an anatomical deficiency such as an ACL tear?

This is your starting point. Do not rush this process. It is important not to get an osteoarthritis knee brace, if you have an ACL tear. Yes, they are both knee braces, but what is involved is much much different, with respect to the knee brace.

Health Begins With Water

Health begins with water. Since the body is made mostly of water (about 70%), all body functions are dependent on water. I guess you could call water a universal solvent. Most nutrients with the exception of fats are dissolved in water, transported in the water-based blood system and used by water-filled cells. And, because the cells are filled with water, the water lubricates, them, like cartilage and muscle cells. It also keeps cell walls pliable and receptive to nutrient inflow and waste outflow.

These facts point to the crucial nature of proper hydration for a healthy body. It is even more important as we get older as will be explained soon. Every organ in the body depends on water to function properly and efficiently. When we are not hydrated properly, or we are dehydrated, even a little bit, our bodily functions become labored. Over time, our health can become challenging. It is very subtle at first, then symptoms begin to appear.

The US National Research Council has guidelines that suggest that we require one milliliter of water for every calorie we consume. That translates to approximately one half of your body weight in ounces of water consumed daily. Some scientists and medical community advisers claim that amount is too conservative, that we should drink more. For someone who is obese, very overweight or suffering from a chronic disease, they should be drinking 1 quart (32 ounces)of water for every 30 pounds of body weight.

If we look at body functions, there are four obvious ways that the body loses water; defecation, perspiration, respiration and urination. In addition, the body's digestive process uses a huge amount of water which can further dehydrate the body if there are not sufficient water reserves. Efficient digestion is also aided by drinking sufficient water between meals to flush the digestive tract and provide enough water for bodily functions.

Obviously, the quality of the water that we use to remain healthy or regain our health is very important. For most people it means the water should be clean and safe to drink. What most people don't know is that in order to be healthy throughout life the body needs to be as near to a neutral pH as possible and the blood absolutely needs to be between 7.35pH and 7.45pH or we die. That means the fluids in our body need to be reinforced with alkaline, ionized water.

Most of the foods that people eat form acidic ash and waste in the body, so to neutralize it we need to drink alkaline ionized water.

Another component of health that is crucial to us is negative ions. Alkaline, ionized water is full of negatively charged particles which our bodies crave. Without negative ions our bodies decline and age. Eventually our health is eroded and our organs slowly lose their efficient function.

It seems that the "struggle" for health is our attempt to rid our bodies of the positive ions we acquire from our "unnatural" diet and to get enough negative ions into our bodies. Traditionally our Paleolithic ancestors used to eat a predominantly raw food diet supplemented with river and creek water that babbled over the rocks and down waterfalls, thus becoming negatively charged and highly oxygenated.

Sadly our diets have reduced to pulling up to the local drive-thru and drinking out of cans and bottles. These habits have created a society of overweight acidic bodies full of positive ions and ill health.

Fortunately the process is simple to reverse. Even if your health is OK now, you should be motivated to remain healthy throughout your life. A few changes to your lifestyle will give you valuable "life insurance."

In the early 20th Century, the Russians discovered that negative ions were very good for human health. They postulated that if they could create negative ions in water that it would create an easier avenue to health. Through experimentation, the first water ionizers were created. The challenge even today is the bonds that water molecules form are weak. Water ionizers break up the large clusters of water into smaller clusters but they do not hold the ionic microcluster structure permanently once they are formed. So the best way to drink alkaline, ionized water is fresh from a machine that creates it. At best, it can be put into a glass bottle and it will hold its charge and microclustering for two days provided the water is filled right to the rim of the bottle. After that, the weak bonds separate and reform into larger cluster molecules and they lose their negative charge.

Even today, Dr. Emoto has shown that water has memory and can be "programmed." The concept of alkaline, ionized water, is more and more becoming a household word as people realize the benefits of drinking this special water.

It is estimated that 75% or more of North Americans are dehydrated enough that it affects their health in a negative way. And, with that dehydration there is an acidic inflamed body. It may be "silent" inflammation now, but it will eventually rise up into the radar range and become pain or symptoms. It doesn't seem to matter that people drink lots of water, it matters more what kind of water they drink.

In a University of Washington study, it was found that many people interpret their thirst as hunger. By giving those in the study a glass of water when they felt hungry, it stopped the hunger pangs in 98% of the people surveyed.

For the average North American, there are one or more toxic chemicals stored in their fatty tissue from drinking treated tap water. That is not even including toxins from the foods we eat, what we put on our skin and hair, what we clean our houses with or environmental pollutants. In the US, 53 million people drink water from municipal water supplies containing potentially dangerous levels of chlorine and fluoride derivatives and by-products, lead, fecal bacteria, fertilizers, pesticides, jet fuels, pharmaceuticals and other impurities associated with cancers and various sorts of metabolic dysfunction and diseases.

I remember a study a few years back where they took hair, blood and urine samples from a famous artist who ate organic, used "natural" products, drank the best water he could find, uses as few chemicals as possible in his art and he wore natural fibers. There were 48 toxic chemicals found in his body. He was really conscious about being a "back to earth" guy and quite shocked at the toxic levels in his body. Alarming, don't you think?

Because most of us are dehydrated by various degrees, our daytime level of fatigue could be directly related to dehydration and our diets. The typical slump seems to be between 3 and 4 pm, where we reach for that sugary snack or the coffee. If we only knew that by drinking two glasses of alkaline, ionized water after lunch, we could feel much better. Water is so important that only a 2% drop in your body's natural water level can bring on mental confusion, short term memory loss, inability to focus and sluggishness in doing simple math calculations, sequenced procedures and interpretive skills.

Also, with regards to your health, recent research shows that 8-10 glasses of alkaline, ionized water per day may significantly reduce pain levels, even in backs and joints for up to 80% of sufferers. Research is also showing that if the average person drank at least 5-16 oz glasses of alkaline, ionized water daily, that is plain alkaline, ionized water, not mixed with anything, their risk of getting breast cancer can be decreased by 79%, colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%.

How does it work? The properties of alkaline, ionized water are unique. Drinking this water provides a quick supply of available oxygen - making the water an "antioxidant." In other word, the water has an extra electron attached making hydroxyl ions which are negatively charged. These hydroxyl ions in the ionized water seek out and neutralize free radicals. This is very important, since free radicals are what damage our cells and bring about disease and premature aging. When the hydroxyl ions, as an antioxidant have neutralized the free radicals, the result is a body that is energized, vitalized and oxygen rich. Alkaline, ionized water helps balance the body's pH by reducing excess cellular and body acidity, helping the body to dissolve and excrete acidic waster products more easily.

The electrolysis process that produces the alkaline, ionized water, not only produces an excess of electrons, it also reduces the cluster size of the molecules from 13 to 14 (which is regular tap water) to 5 to 7. This can happen because of the weak bonds that the water has with molecules around itself. These smaller clusters have a lower molecular weight, making the alkaline, ionized water more easily absorbed by the body. The smaller cluster size is also better able to deliver nutrient to all the cells, tissues and organs and accelerates metabolism as more and more acidic waste is eliminated from the body. So, take your vitamin and mineral supplements with alkaline, ionized water for greater absorption. Conversely, take your medications with neutral water. Normally only about 30% of your medication is absorbed by the body because of our acidic and plugged up condition. Alkaline, ionized water will increase the absorption of your medication and you may get too much.

A normal average North American diet will produce high levels of acidic waste in the body from 97% of what is eaten. We simply don't eat enough alkaline foods, fruits and vegetables. These acids, if they are not neutralized, can cause inflammation and free radicals. They can kill healthy cells by stealing oxygen and damage them by stealing electrons. Alkaline water and food will not only dissolve these harmful acids, but they will help remove them from the body by allowing them to pass safely through the kidneys and bowels and not be stored in our joints, organs, blood vessels and fat cells.

The qualities of high alkalinity, more oxygen and lower molecular weight act as a powerful cellular detoxifier, helping the body maintain or restore its health and should be part of everyone's daily regimen. Research in Japan since the 1950's indicate that most chronic conditions are a result of increased waste, acidity and the resulting impaired body function and immune system.

If you are looking to feel younger, more flexible, vital and alive, or even stay that way, then the answer is clear. Try alkaline, ionized water!

A Custom Knee Brace - Do You Really Need One?

A custom made knee brace may seem to be more effective since it involves numerous trips to see a brace specialist (called an orthotist). An orthotist makes a custom mold of the knee (including the upper and lower leg) and takes numerous measurements. However, several brace manufacturers have shown in knee brace studies that it is not necessary 99% of the time.

Due to the advent of computer generated biomechanical studies of the knee and its range of motion, engineers have been able to design knee braces that can provide meaningful support without the need to visit an orthotist in a medical setting. These "off-the-shelf" style knee braces effective, and they can save you several hundreds of dollars. - Let's put it this way, if you are wearing a shirt right now that fits you well, is it bad that it was not custom made? Chances are that you are comfortable with the shirt and a custom made shirt seems a little over the top. Right?

To support what we are saying, let's point to a couple important studies. First, a study that was completed at the University of Michigan revealed that custom made knee braces do not prevent more motion of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) deficient knee than an off-the-shelf knee brace. Moreover, after on sixty minute period of use, the custom made brace "came loose" more often than the "non custom" knee brace. Secondly, another interesting study at the University of Vermont (UVM) looked at four distinct knee brace manufactures and their effect on strain of the ACL during surgery. The results confirmed that "there were no apparent advantages of the more expensive custom-made brace compared with the off-the-shelf designs." - In other words, just cause you can spend more money on a knee brace does not make it better.

Obviously, there are always exceptions to these conclusions. You always have to consider those cases where someone has a deformity, and an off the shelf knee brace just can't fit their leg. Moreover some of the exceptions may be, but are not limited to, anyone with a traumatic injury to their leg that causes deformity of the anatomy. If a person has ulcerations, it is possible that a custom made knee brace will provide a unique fit over that of an off the shelf brace. When in doubt about your situation, always consult your personal physician.

We Discuss How Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Get in Drinking Water

In this article we will discuss the question of how do pharmaceutical drugs get in to drinking water. We have learnt that an associate press probe finds drugs in drinking water after various tests were concluded in some exclusive online reports. What we need to know as consumers of bottled and tap water, is do these finding pose any health risks to us. We will discuss this within this article and we will also look at how we can protect ourselves from these known and grown problems.

So, how do pharmaceutical drugs get in drinking water in the first place?

It is said that a large amount of these drug traces are getting in to our water supplies through our own human waste. Due to recycling methods of water today, when we excrete our waste, traces of the prescription drugs we consume passes through our waste and eventually finds it's self in to our water supplies. A known probe has examined this further through in depth studying of some released reports. Shockingly, this problem is everywhere. However, what's more worrying is these traces have been found to be not in the water before it gets treated and filtered, but in the water coming in to our homes. This is obviously bad news since we consume and bathe in this water daily.

Many types of drug traces has been found in our water, examples include sex hormones and even heart medication traces. The fact is this problem is everywhere today, it doesn't really matter where your water source is, you still have these harmful substances coming through in your home water.

So, are there any health consequences due to these drug traces in our drinking water?

We are told that the amount of thee traces being found are so minuscule that they have no impact on our health, but I beg to differ. To me, that's like saying its ok to take a little bit of something harmful over and over each day because it's only a tiny amount. Over time, it is only common sense that this can and will affect your health! The fact is, we as humans drink a lot of water so because this probe finds drugs in drinking water, it is bound to effect our health long term.

The fact is we need to take action now and protect ourselves. The solution is to filter our own water that comes in to our home, but by using a special kind of filtration system. I suggest you visit my website below and learn more about the products we use and recommend. You may have been told that reverse osmosis systems are the best available, however, they actually get rid of not only harmful toxins, but also the essential minerals that we need daily. What we need to consume for the sake of our present and future health is water the way nature intended it to be!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Declassified Soviet Research on Body Oxygenation

In the 1960s, before the first Soviet manned spaceship missions it was crucial for Soviets to find the optimum air parameters and investigate the relationships between air composition, breathing, body oxygenation and health. This confidential project was organized and funded by the Soviet Ministry of Aviation and Space Research in Novosibirsk. A young aspiring PhD Konstantin Buteyko, MD, an Honour Graduate of the 1-st Moscow Medical Institute was selected as a manager of the respiratory laboratory to lead this project in Novosibirsk (Academgorodok). He was provided with the most advanced equipment, best available personnel and all other resources.

Doctor Buteyko studied breathing 24/7 measuring about 30 fundamental physiological parameters of the body in real time (see the picture) and came with many startling conclusions related to breathing and body oxygenation. He found that virtually all sick people (asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.) have heavy (deep and frequent) respiratory pattern breathing 2-4 times more air 24/7. However, this heavy and deep breathing pattern reduces oxygenation of the body and produces many other negative physiological effects. He concluded,

"Therefore, during deep breathing carbon dioxide becomes smaller, oxygen smaller, breath holding time smaller, breathing frequency higher, and automatic pause is absent" (Dr. Buteyko KP, Public lecture in the Moscow State University on 9 December 1969 [in Russian], published in the Soviet national journal "Nauka i zhizn'" (Science and life), Moscow, issue 10, October 1977. )

He also investigated influence of numerous lifestyle and environmental factors on breathing and oxygenation. Many of his observations are confirmed by hundreds of separate western studies, but Buteyko was able to put them together, as a science which describes the role of breathing in control and modulation of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous, and digestive systems of the body.

Buteyko also discovered that it is easy to measure body oxygenation using a simple test. He stated, "Oxygen content in the organism can be found using a simple method: after exhalation, observe, how long the person can pause their breath without stress." (Buteyko, ibid.) How to do the oxygenation test?

After your usual exhalation, stop breathing, pinch your nose and count your stress-free BHT (breath holding time) in seconds. Keep nose pinched until you experience the first stress or desire to breathe. Practice shows that this first discomfort appears together with an involuntary push of the diaphragm or swallowing movement in the throat. (Your body warns you, "Enough!") If you release the nose and start breathing at this moment of time, you can resume your usual breathing pattern (in the same way as you were breathing prior to the test). Do not extend breath holding too long. This is the most typical mistake. The oxygenation test does not interfere with your usual breathing. The test should be easy and not cause you any stress.

Soviet doctors found that the following relationships generally hold true:

1-10 s of oxygen - critically and terminally ill patients, severely sick, usually hospitalized.
10-20 s - most patients with mild forms of diseases, numerous complaints and, often, on daily medication.
20-40 s - people with poor health, but often without serious organic problems.
40-60 s - good health.
Over 60 s - perfect health, when many modern diseases are virtually impossible.

Buteyko developed the breathing self-oxygenation therapy (the Buteyko method) to boost or restore oxygenation of the body. The oxygenation test became the main measuring tool for about 200 medical professionals who taught the Buteyko oxygenation therapy to hundreds thousands of Russian patients with asthma, heart disease, bronchitis, and other conditions. Their typical success rate was about 90% for asthma and heart disease. Most of the patients did not have symptoms and did not require any medication after 1-2 months of the self-oxygenation therapy. The Buteyko method was officially approved by the Health Ministry of Russia.

These oxygenation doctors also applied the breathing therapy on themselves. Maximum breath holding time of Doctor Buteyko and some of his colleagues (after full inhalation) was up to 10-12 minutes! They found that people with such superior body oxygenation (about 3 minutes for the oxygenation test) sleep only for 2 hours naturally. Normally, this therapy was used by Soviet astronauts.

There are two parts in his breathing system: breathing exercises and common sense activities, which, as they found, influence body oxygenation. The final goal of the Buteyko breathing method is to have light, relaxed, and slow breathing pattern with over 60 s of oxygen in the body.

Lifestyle factors can produce strong effect on breathing and tissue oxygenation. For example, Buteyko revealed that breathing through the mouth or sleeping on the back at night can reduce the oxygenation index (stress-free breath holding time) almost 2 times! In relation to other activities, Doctor Buteyko even suggested simple rules for better oxygenation: "Eat only when hungry and stop in time", "Go to sleep when really sleepy and get out of the bed in the morning", "Exercise with nasal breathing only", etc. As Russian self-oxygenation doctors found, many other factors are useful for better oxygenation, for example, raw diets, good posture, normal thermoregulation, relaxation and meditation therapies, forgiveness, sleeping on hard beds, moderation, hatha yoga postures, cold shower, etc.

All these ideas are crucial in order to deal with those chronic conditions which exist only in conditions of tissue hypoxia. These include asthma, heart disease, chronic fatigue, bronchitis, cancer, acne, sexual importance, diabetes, and many other disorders.

Drugs Found in Drinking Water - A Disturbing Truth

The idea of finding drugs in drinking water sounds like fodder for a Hollywood movie. The startling truth is that this is the reality we live in. Traces of everything from ibuprofen and acetaminophen to prescription sex hormones antibiotics and even mood stabilizers have been found in municipal water supplies. There are few to no requirements that even mandate that tap water be tested for these drugs.

While the amounts of drugs in drinking water are far smaller than the average medical dose, we drink great quantities of water every day and ingest these drugs with every glass. The antibiotics in tap water are found to be one of the three leading contributors to the outbreak of MRSA or medication resistant staph infections. These infections are making a large number of Americans sick every day, and in many cases can even be fatal.

The sources of these drugs are many. A great portion of them come from human waste. When we swallow a pill, while we absorb some of it, a great deal of it is passed through the body unchanged and removed in our waste. Other sources of the drug are flushed pills and runoff from pharmaceutical plants.

Ingesting small amounts of a medication over time can lead to a resistance to the drug. This especially true of antibiotics, but applies to other drugs as well. A decreased response to antibiotics means more severe and longer lasting infections as well as infections that do not respond to antibiotics at all. This is very dangerous and could eventually lead to a whole host of illnesses that we have no ability to fight. This may sound like it comes straight from a science fiction movie, but it is entirely factual. I urge you to do the research for yourself.

You may wonder what you can do about this. Personally, I ensure the safety of my family with a whole house multi-stage water filtration system. This system removes the drugs found in drinking water as well as other chemicals and bacteria not removed by chlorine. It also removes the chlorine left behind after city treatment. These systems also allow your water to retain valuable trace minerals such as potassium and magnesium that are needed by the body to ensure proper health.

My multi-stage system filters the water that flows into every faucet in my home. It keeps rust particles from yellowing my laundry and removes all of the hundreds of chemicals from my water that I take in when drinking or showering. I pay a little more for this benefit, but it only comes to about ten cents a gallon, which is a very worthwhile price to remove the drugs in drinking water.

I never would have believed only a few short years ago that I would need to filter my own household water. In fact, I assumed that the water bills I paid ensured my water was safe from all chemicals and drugs. I was wrong. With so many drugs found in drinking water, it is high time we all take steps to ensure the health of our families and loved ones. I urge you to look into a filtration system. It may be the best decision you ever make.

Intestinal Parasites - Symptoms and Advice

What are intestinal parasites? They can be defined as parasites that tend to populate the gastro-intestinal tract. They spread in humans often due to poor hygiene due to feces buildup along with contact with animals, and poorly cooked foods containing parasites. The topic of intestinal parasites is something that most people aren't aware of, but certainly should be.

These parasites can cause problems such as constipation, stomach bloating and other health issues. Some of the symptoms of intestinal parasites can include anemia, asthma, diarrhea, digestive disorders or a low immune system. There are over 100 types of these parasites that can exist in our bodies.

People that have the intestinal parasites often are under-nourished, and are infected with viral, fungal or also bacteria. They are at risk for other health problems because the parasites affect the body's immune system, which has the job of fighting disease.

When we cannot properly eliminate waste products, the perfect habitat is present for parasites. Since toxins and matter tends to build up on the colon walls, this is where the parasites will live. A way to combat this issue would be a colon cleansing program. The fecal matter buildup comes from constipation and poor dieting, including processed foods that are high in fat and sugar.

The two types of intestinal parasites are protozoa and helminths. If you think you might have one of these parasites, go to the doctor to get tested. There, fecal testing can identify if the parasite is present. There are drug therapies available for treatment of intestinal parasites.

Can Big Kids Play Too?

When was the last time you played? I mean really got silly and played. Ran down the street, arms in the air and giggled? Tossed a Frisbee and didn't CARE if you landed it right. Engaged in a rousing game of Pooh Sticks?

The other day my husband, Roy, and I were having a conversation about growing old. We were talking about the people in our lives who are older and how "old" they seem. Some of the people who are 20 years older than me are "youngsters" compared to their age-peers. Others who are just a few years older than I am, some even younger, seem MUCH older.

How does this happen? What ages us? I don't mean time. I know that. I know that as time marches on I get chronologically older. But getting older and aging are two different things.

I believe that we age faster when we forget to play. Play keeps us young. It doesn't have to be organized play. It just has to be something that lifts our spirits and gets us OUT there doing something new, taking a risk!

I know I have to grow older, but I don't want to age. I want to keep living. Paul Newman is 82 years old and still races race-cars! Now that, my friends, is playing! When I skydived I researched the guy I strapped myself to (Vlad) and found that he'd taken a 96 year old man on his first skydive! Now that, my friends, is playing!

But you don't have to race cars or jump out of a plane to play. Get yourself a Wii. Now don't you tell me, "But I don't have kids!" You get out there NOW and get a Wii (they just got a bunch in at Target). Oh you'll play! Challenge your honey or your friend to a game of Wii Tennis and then laugh as you prance all over the livingroom pretending to hit a fake ball! If a video console is out of your budget, go down to the local park and find a stream and play Pooh Sticks. (This was, incidentally, a favorite pastime of Roy's and mine when we were in college.

On a really stressful day we'd take time out to go to the park and play Pooh Sticks. He usually won. He has some sort of magic Stickitude or something.) Go out on your next run and "tree five" the trees as you run by, or just throw your arms up in the air and grin a big grin and run like a kid. If you run across a hopscotch drawn on the ground, you MUST hop AND scotch! Oh sure, the neighbors will think you've lost it...but hey, who cares? Making the neighbor purse her lips and deepen her frown lines is part of the PLAY!

Go bowling, but don't go to win! Go to a batting cage and guffaw as the balls sail past your head. Play miniature golf! Take a walk and skip a little down the sidewalk. Race the neighbor dog along the fence-line. Get down on your hands and knees and wrestle with your kids or your dog!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Excessive Facial Sweating Solutions

I know from experience how embarrassing facial sweating can be. Why is it so embarrassing? Well, ask yourself what the first thing you notice about another person is? That's right, the facial area. That's why it is so embarrassing. If you start sweating excessively from the facial area, everyone around you will notice it!

Sufferers of excessive facial sweating are forced to search the Internet for solutions, simply because most sufferers are too embarrassed to see a doctor. Let me tell you right now, you need to see a doctor immediately. If you're desperate to cure your facial sweating problem, you'd pluck up the courage and visit a doctor.

Your doctor is a professional, and will advise you what treatments will suit you best. They'll also tell you the side effects of these treatments, and how they can affect your body. It'll also give you a chance to discuss the problem. Sometimes talking about the problem to someone else will give you a lot of hope. Remember doctor's deal with these problems on a daily basis, and they're there to help you.

After speaking to your doctor, you'll probably be looking for some sort of antiperspirant. Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride work best. But since you're going to be applying them to the facial area. You have to be careful. This should go without saying, but avoid eye contact at all costs!

Like we said you have to be careful applying antiperspirants around the facial area. So you definitely don't want to be using a spray. A roll-on or cream solution will be your best bet. There is a roll-on solution called Driclor (name may differ depending on which country you live in). It's fairly cheap, and is very effective.

It contains a high level of aluminum chloride that blocks up the sweat glands. You apply the solution at night time, leave on throughout the night and then wash off in the morning with warm water. During the time you leave the solution on, do not touch the areas where you applied it. It's irritating and uncomfortable, scratching at it can make it a whole lot worse.

Are You Suffering From Burnout?

Burnout is a loose term for fatigue or exhaustion syndrome. It is a situation where an individual is constantly tired and will exhibit signs of extreme exhaustion. Some of these symptoms will include some memory loss, short attention span, some physical pain in the form of headaches or back pain, irritability, lack of energy and poor performance in work and/or school. There are many people who live with this but are unaware that there is something wrong. They might simply feel that life has been busy and stressful, which has left them tire, but it is a problem that can persist and develop into a depression if not treated.

When recognized and dealt with sooner, people could help themselves get out of their state of "burnout" so that they could improve their lives, become more energized and improve their performance at work and/or school. Being in this state can be draining on a person's mental health and it could easily get in the way of living their life. There are a number of steps a person can take if they feel they might be suffering from fatigue syndrome. The first step is to find out what might be the cause of the stress, which is causing the fatigue, and then try to find ways to avoid the stress. Next, a person should take the time to reflect on their life and sort out what goals and aspects of their life are most important to focus on. After this, making changes that could make one's life better, such as setting more regular sleeping and eating times in order to regulate the mind and body. Improving on one's social life, spending more time on hobbies and interests as well as taking the time to relax and exercise can also work to help draw in more energy and lose the fatigue.

In cases where "burnout" has affected a person for a longer period of time and they can't seem to pull themselves out of it no matter what they do, seeking help from a counselor would probably be a good idea. The online counselor will work with the person to help organize and improve their life so that they can work their way out of their "burnout". There are also online therapists available for online counseling for anyone who would prefer to have their sessions online from the comfort of their home. The online counselor will work with the patient to find out what might be causing their state and then help the patient to find a way to get out of their fatigue. When suffering from fatigue syndrome, it can be difficult for a person to help themselves get out of it. Most people who have suffered from burnout and consulted a counselor were quicker to get over the syndrome and were less likely to relapse into it in the near future. Online therapy is available to anyone who has questions or concerns regarding fatigue syndrome. More and more people are turning to online counseling for help because it is convenient and successful.

The Causes of Kidney Stones and What This Means to Your Body

While it is really not specifically known by the medical profession what causes kidney stones. It is thought that certain foods might promote them and certain people are more susceptible than others. Scientifically speaking though, the belief is that people who are susceptible to kidney stones will not get them through eating certain foods.

This appears to be somewhat of a paradox, and the medical inclination leans more towards heredity as the cause of kidney stones. The person who has a family history may be more likely to develop these. Kidney disorders, metabolic disorders and urinary tract infections are linked to the formation of kidney stones. By Metabolic disorders we refer to illnesses such as hyperthyroidism.

There is also another factors involved in the causes of kidney stones. In more than 70% of the people suffering from them, a rare hereditary disease known as "renal tubular acidosis" is responsible.

There are various other metabolic disorders that have found to be the causes of kidney stones, and without getting too technical, we shall just mention that these disorders are also very rare.

In many of these instances the cause is attributed to high levels of calcium in the urine. Calcium is absorbed from food and then excreted in the urine. High levels of calcium in the urine may cause calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate crystals to form in the urinary tract or kidneys and these crystals then become kidney stones.

Other causes of kidney stones might include excessive intake of Vitamin D. And believe it or not, diuretics (water pills),and antacids that are calcium based, are able to increase the risk of kidney stones developing.

Less common, but just as painful is the prevalence of kidney stones being caused by urinary tract infection. This is known as an infection or struvite stone. There are also uric acid stones and even less common cystine stones.

The more susceptible people who have been found to develop kidney stones, suffer from chronic bowel inflammation, or have undergone ostomy surgery or intestinal bypass operations. Medications used to treat HIV infection such as indinavir also increase the risk of suffering from this painful condition.

Fortunately the conditions we have discussed above are of the more rare variety and the more common causes of kidney stones is attributed to poor diet and too little consumption of fluids. When the diet is lacking in sufficient water intake, the urine becomes highly concentrated with minerals. These minerals begin to form crystals, and eventually a kidney stone grown from the concentrated mineral crystals. The larger the stone, the more painful it is!

This condition has been documented by many ancient civilizations, and it has been found that even the ancient Egyptians suffered from them. This is not surprising as a humid hot climate leads to more susceptibility of developing kidney stones due to lack of adequate hydration.

People who live in countries that have bad water sanitation will also be more likely to suffer from kidney stones, as there is not sufficient water for adequate consumption.

Excessive Sweating - Cure Your Problem Today

Excessive sweating sufferers, you are not alone! Millions of people from all over the world share the same problem as you, I think it's actually 3% of the worlds population suffer from sweating problem to a certain degree.

You may feel alone, but you're really not. The reason you feel alone is because not many people admit to having such an embarrassing problem. Not in real life anyway. But you will find millions of people on forums catered to excessive sweating sufferers.

In this modern day of age, we want everything. And we want it as fast and as easy as possible! This rings true for sweating cures. We don't want to spend months on end, using a certain treatment, only to find out that it's really not that effective. No, we want results, and we want results now!

Well I have some good news for you. Being a sufferer of hyperhydrosis (medical term for excessive sweating) you have probably heard of antiperspirants, and I'm taking a guess that you've already tried some antiperspirants. But you had no luck with them. Why do you think that is? I can tell you, you were using the wrong ones!

I used to suffer from sweat problems a few years back. I tried thousands of antiperspirants, but had no luck with most of them. Some of them made my condition worse! It was only when I started to look for strong ingredients that block sweat glands did I find a cure, that I consider my life saver.

That cure is called Driclor. It contains a high level of aluminium chloride. The strong ingredient that blocks up the sweat glands. It's available in most countries and is fairly cheap. You apply the roll-on solution at night time, leave on throughout the night, and simply wash off in the morning.

I'm telling you right now, you need this. Imagine waking up tomorrow morning not worrying on how much you're going to sweat. However, it does cause irritation, and it can make going to sleep a nightmare! So it's not for everyone.

Stop sweating, start living. If antiperspirants aren't for you. You need to get yourself some self help books, you can purchase them on the Internet. Some contain home remedies that are really effective and can cure your problem in just two weeks. So it may be worth checking that out.

How to Stop Excessive Sweating by Using Antiperspirants

All excessive sweating sufferers want to know how to stop their problem as quick as possible. Because we as humans want everything done fast and as easy as possible. The companies that marketing excessive sweating solutions play on this fact. They create products that can apparently cure sweat problems within a week or so, they hype them up and we buy into them. Even though we think it's not possible, we still buy them! Let me tell you that it takes time to cure a sweating problem.

There are a lot of things you can do to reduce the amount you sweat. If you can reduce it little by little eventually you'll be able to stop it. Good short term solutions include; wearing loose fitted t-shirts to allow airflow around the body to keep you cooler. You can also choose to wear dark clothing to mask any sweat patches that may appear. Whilst this is a decent short term solution, you can't go on like this for the rest of your life. It'll cause serious anxiety issues, whilst you constantly worry about sweat patches.

The best solution for any excessive sweating sufferer that wants to stop their problem is by using antiperspirants. At the start of the article I said companies create hyped up products, this is true in the antiperspirant market too, so you have to be careful when it comes to purchasing antiperspirants. But I can tell you the best antiperspirant available to you is called Driclor. It's available in most countries, and doesn't really cost a lot. It costs $15 USD for a 60ml roll-on solution, which should last you a month. You apply the solution before you go to bed, when the body is dry. Leave it on throughout the night and then wash off in the morning.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What Causes Sweating?

Although sweating can sometimes seem like a problem, it's really a necessity to living. Sweating is our body's way of cooling down. People have on average 2.6 million sweat glands in the skin and as you know, they can create a whole mess of sweat.

You may sweat for a variety of reasons...

* You're nervous for a job interview or a date
* You're working out in the gym, lifting weights or doing cardio exercises
* You eat spicy food
* The sun is beating on your face on a mid summer day
* the list goes on get the idea.

But sometimes what causes sweating is a condition called Hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that affects about 3% of the world population. It is what causes sweating in many people no matter the temperature or activity they are doing. I myself suffered for years with Hyperhidrosis and would sweat profusely at all times.

It's all well and good to know what causes sweating, but I'm sure you're way more interest in what will get you to stop sweating - right?

Try some of these natural treatments first...

* Drysol - This prescription deodorant will block sweat pores better than anything you can buy over the counter. Just watch out for any irritation while you're using it. This stuff is strong.
* There's something called a Sage Tea solution what you do is...
a. Buy Sage Tea from your supermarket
b. Fill a large bowl with room temperature water
c. Put the sage tea bags in the bowl and let the tea dissolve a bit.
d. soak your hands for 15 minutes in the bowl.
* Avoid Spicy Foods, Alcohol and Caffeine - your diet will play a huge part in controlling your sweating. Watch what you eat and monitor your results. The foods that trigger hyperhidrosis are a big indicator as to what causes sweating.

Drugs in Tap Water? Discover the Truth

Everyone has to worry about drugs in tap water, because the biggest problem is this. Most facilities do not test for them. That's one of the pieces of information that was passed on to us by the Associated Press. But, there was more.

Several years ago, USA Today published a story about facilities that "cheat a little" to pass Environmental Protection Agency standards. Thanks to the "Freedom of Information Act", we know a lot more than we used to about how local, state and federal authorities work. Of course, we have a lot more to worry about.

The recent AP stories about drugs in tap water also supported the USA Today findings. Providers lie and cheat. When asked if they tested for drugs, one facility said "no". But the reporters found out that testing WAS done.

Facilities don't have to cheat when it comes to drugs in tap water. The EPA does not have standards for their presence. They're not required to test and if they do, they don't have to report results.

If they do test, they don't inform the public, because they think we won't know how to interpret the information. You know, all anyone would have to say is get a purification system for your home. If you get a high quality product, you won't have to worry about what's in your glass.

The facilities do an adequate job at removing bacteria and when there is a problem, they typically inform the public. Of course, sometimes people get sick before they realize there's a problem.

I really don't understand why anyone would drink from a faucet without a filter. Effective purifiers are not expensive. Basically, anyone can afford one.

You probably have a TV, a stereo, a DVD player and lots of other things in your house that cost a lot more. Maybe you think buying bottled is a better idea. But, if there are drugs in tap water, then it's in those bottles, too.

30-40% of the bottling companies use municipally treated water. That's tap water.

Besides, it's not just about what you drink, it's about what you cook with and use to wash fruits and vegetables. It's about what you brush your teeth with and shower in. The EPA advises that tiny parasitic cysts can be present in any system and any bottle. Only a point-of-use submicron filter will remove them.

Researchers have found that exposure to cancer causing trihalomethanes (THMs) occurs in the shower and is released when boiling unfiltered tap-water in the kitchen. THMs are created when chlorine is used to kill bacteria. Read your local treatment facilities quality report and you'll see them listed. They can only be removed by adsorption.

So, there's a lot more than drugs in tap water and there are a lot of reasons to buy a home purifier. Be sure to compare product performance and look for a multi-stage design that removes the widest range of contaminants. You don't need expensive reverse osmosis, but you do need a high quality system.

The next time you read about drugs in tap water, you won't have to worry about it.

The Problems That Cause Heel Pains and What to Do About Them

Most people do not really pay attention to their heels even if they are hurting. Many just shrug off the pain, thinking that it's just temporary and is just caused by walking long miles or by standing up in line for hours. Although feeling a little discomfort in your heels can be quite common especially if you had a long day or after a strenuous activity, persistent or acute heel pains should not be overlooked. There are some serious conditions or diseases that may be causing your heel woes.

To know more about the common types of heel pains, read on and learn.

Plantar Fasciitis

Heel and arch pain is common in people who are suffering from plantar fasciitis, or an inflammation or irritation of the plantar fascia, the tissue on the base of your foot that joins your heels to your toes. Usually, people with this problem feel a burning and stabbing sensation in their feet or heels, particularly in the morning, because the tissue concerned contracts or tightens during the night. Pain is also imminent after a strenuous activity, such as jogging or a tennis match.

Plantar Fasciitis is not really a serious problem particularly if you just encounter it every once in a while. However, for people who have circulation problems or diabetes, it is advised that you seek medical attention for recurring heel pains.

Stretching, applying ice on the problem area, or putting your feet up for a few minutes are some of the ways to help ease pain caused by this condition. It is also wise to find shoes that give your arch some support.

Heel Spur

Often confused with plantar fasciitis, heel spur is actually an entirely different condition. Basically, a heel spur is just a bony growth on the heel. Almost 70% of patients diagnosed with heel spur also suffer from plantar fasciitis. In fact, experts believe that inflammation or degeneration of the plantar fascia tissue is a major cause of the development of heel spur.

Basically, the treatment for heel spur is quite similar to plantar fasciitis: resting, stretching, applying ice packs, and using shoe inserts.


More common in men than in women, gout is an extremely painful condition that is characterized by unusually high levels of uric acid in the body and recurring joint aches. In case of gout, crystallized uric acids form in joints, such as the heels, and cause tremendous pain. You can usually get rid of this problem, albeit slowly, by eating a diet that is low in uric acid, minimizing alcohol intake, losing weight and drinking plenty of water.


Basically, arthritis is a joint problem characterized by inflammation. Gout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis are just some of the common types of this condition. Since the heels are considered as joints, it is not surprising that you can also suffer from arthritis in that area. Aside from pain, other symptoms of arthritis include swelling, stiffening of the joints, and feeling warm temperature on the area.

Prevention is better than cure when it comes to arthritis. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining your normal weight, and drinking plenty of water are all helpful in minimizing your risk of developing this problem. However, if you already have one, the best think to do is take natural supplements that contain glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, which are known to help alleviate stiffness of the joints and ease pain.

Also, you need Methylsulfonylmethane (more commonly known as MSM) for preventing further wear and tear of muscles and joints, Omega 3 to lubricate the joints, and trypsin, bromelain and rutin to ease pain and improve joint function. One product that contains the above ingredients and much more is Flexcerin.
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