Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Detox Diet - Does it Really Work?

People in general are followers. An example of this, we can see very clearly is the Presidential Race this is going on now in America. You will see Obama' s camp have their group of followers and likewise too Senator McCain's camp too. This is also evident too when it comes to fad diet plans. Nowadays we can find many obese people in their quest to lose weight keep following the latest fad on diet plan.

One of the latest fad diet plan that is fast becoming popular is the Detox diet plan. How effective this plan is hard to say as those who lost weight initially seems to gain it all back. This is because our bodies are already filled with toxins that we pick up from the air we breathe, the water that we drink, the food that we eat and even from what we use everyday. As such any steps that we will seem to be ineffectual. Our bodies has already a natural system which deal with harmful toxins that occurs naturally but it cannot cope with those which comprises of synthetic chemicals introduced into our bodies from our environments. It is not that only adults' bodies are full of toxins; studies have pointed out that even a newborn child inherits loads of toxins from his mother's body. Scientists have also claimed that the detox diets simply do not work the way they should and hence, they are totally unnecessary! The toxins within our bodies cause us to eat more than we should. And at the same time, our body ability to burn the extra calories effectively has diminished. The end results will be that all the excess calories will end up as fats deposited in our bodies. Therefore it will be wise to avoid processed foods like butter, cream and even some cheese as they have toxins in them which are harmful to us.

The best detox diet plan which you can follow is to just avoid foods which had been processed but go for foods that re organically grown. Good examples of good foods are raw fruits, vegetables which can help a person lose weight quickly. Another good thing to do is to drink more water as water will assist our bodies to increase its metabolism rate. Do not take beer, Alcohol, soda & soft drinks. Abstain from foods like white flour & Sugar as well. These types of foods provides your body with nothing except "empty calories" which ultimately gets converted to fats in our bodies. Also look for foods which contain complex carbs like potatoes. These are good for your health. If you want to consume fat, you can eat fishes such as salmon, tuna, etc. as they contain unsaturated fats (as opposed to the saturated fats containing in butter and cream that make you fat). I sincerely hope my detox diet plan helps you with fast weight loss!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joel_Riley

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