Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We Discuss How Do Pharmaceutical Drugs Get in Drinking Water

In this article we will discuss the question of how do pharmaceutical drugs get in to drinking water. We have learnt that an associate press probe finds drugs in drinking water after various tests were concluded in some exclusive online reports. What we need to know as consumers of bottled and tap water, is do these finding pose any health risks to us. We will discuss this within this article and we will also look at how we can protect ourselves from these known and grown problems.

So, how do pharmaceutical drugs get in drinking water in the first place?

It is said that a large amount of these drug traces are getting in to our water supplies through our own human waste. Due to recycling methods of water today, when we excrete our waste, traces of the prescription drugs we consume passes through our waste and eventually finds it's self in to our water supplies. A known probe has examined this further through in depth studying of some released reports. Shockingly, this problem is everywhere. However, what's more worrying is these traces have been found to be not in the water before it gets treated and filtered, but in the water coming in to our homes. This is obviously bad news since we consume and bathe in this water daily.

Many types of drug traces has been found in our water, examples include sex hormones and even heart medication traces. The fact is this problem is everywhere today, it doesn't really matter where your water source is, you still have these harmful substances coming through in your home water.

So, are there any health consequences due to these drug traces in our drinking water?

We are told that the amount of thee traces being found are so minuscule that they have no impact on our health, but I beg to differ. To me, that's like saying its ok to take a little bit of something harmful over and over each day because it's only a tiny amount. Over time, it is only common sense that this can and will affect your health! The fact is, we as humans drink a lot of water so because this probe finds drugs in drinking water, it is bound to effect our health long term.

The fact is we need to take action now and protect ourselves. The solution is to filter our own water that comes in to our home, but by using a special kind of filtration system. I suggest you visit my website below and learn more about the products we use and recommend. You may have been told that reverse osmosis systems are the best available, however, they actually get rid of not only harmful toxins, but also the essential minerals that we need daily. What we need to consume for the sake of our present and future health is water the way nature intended it to be!

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