Friday, August 29, 2008

Foam Sclerotherapy Treatment

Spider veins and varicose veins are conditions that afflict countless women across the world. This condition will leave unsightly discolored veins that can reduce a woman's self confidence and at times can be very painful. There have been many different types of treatments that are available for treating these conditions, some having more success than others. This article will focus on the foam sclerotherapy treatment and its effectiveness in treating people who suffer from spider veins.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment where the affected veins are injected with a solution that will effectively eliminate the problems of varicose veins and spider veins. Once the injected solution is in the veins, it will cause an inflammatory reaction and this will lead to the walls of the vein to stick together. After this occurs then the vessel will scar and then seal off. This will then lead to general fading and eventual disappearance of the vein.

Foam Sclerotherapy is one the new found methods that has been in use to help treat large varicose veins and spider veins. How it works is the liquid sclerosing agent is mixed with room air and then a foam is created. This foam is then injected into the affected vein. The benefit of using the foam, as opposed to the liquid is based off the fact that foam is able to cover a much larger surface area. This means that the sclerosing agent will be in direct contact with the veins wall. It also being a foam form will result in it being much harder to dilute. There is a benefit of using the foam with ultrasound imaging, as it shows up well and this makes it much easier to track. This will make it easier to guide it to the affected vein.

There are advantages and disadvantages in using the Foam Sclerotherapy method. One such advantage is the fact that using the foam proves to be much more accurate, especially when combined with ultrasound imaging. This means the affected vein can be targeted properly. Another benefit is the fact that surgery is eliminated for some conditions that can be treated by sclerotherapy. The disadvantage arises is the safety of using the foam. Some people are against it because you are introducing carbon dioxide into the body. Another set disagree with its use because of the possible allergic reactions to the solutions.

Having the foam sclerotherapy treatment done is regarded as being very safe. Despite this there are some minor side effects that may occur. Some people may have an allergic reaction to the sclerosing agent that is used. The other side effects are general bruising and a slight pain from the needles used in the process.

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