Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Want to Stop Face Sweating?

To stop face sweating is no easy task if you have an excessive sweating issue that is. It's in the worst place as well since your face is the first thing people see, the last thing you want is to hear people asking you "Are you OK?", that is just gut wrenching. So how do you prevent the social embarrassment and keep that darn sweat off your face? Well, there are several ways to go about it, some easy, some not so easy. Let's start with the easy.

The first thing you should try to stop face sweating is simply carry around a hanky with you. Yes, that's it, a hanky. Whenever you feel the sweat coming on strong, pull it out and wipe your forehead dry. Simple and effective, the only problem is you may have to do it quite a few times if you're having a particularly bad case of sweating.

So if you happen to be having one of those bad gusher sessions, what can you do then? Well, the best thing to do would be to prevent that from ever happening, and one way to cut down on that sweating by at least 20% is with an antiperspirant. Now you may say: "But I can't roll that on my forehead!" but the fact is there are antiperspirants in gel format that would be great for the face. If you can't find them in stores, check for them online. Just apply a thin coating to your face and forehead and you're good to go.

Lastly, if you really want to stop face sweating, you can go for Botox treatment. What will happen is Botox will be injected under the skin to disrupt your sympathetic nerves from signaling your sweat glands to sweat up a storm. By disrupting the communication, you sweat less, simple. The only thing is you will need to go in ever 6-12 months as the injections wear off. Also, this option will cost you around $600-$700 each time.

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