Monday, November 3, 2008

How to Cure Tiredness - Stop Being Tired All the Time

Do you feel tired? In United States, 1 out of 4 people suffer from tiredness. Sometimes, tiredness maybe is very dangerous. Some studies say that tired drivers are more dangerous than drunk drivers. Tiredness may also affect the quality of work or studying. Before, I had suffered tiredness too; my friends always think I just woke up.

Many people try to reduce their tiredness by drinking coffee. Drinking coffee may be a good way to reduce tiredness and it can be the most popular drug to it. Actually coffee can only for a short time. If you drink a cup of coffee now and after 1 hour you drink another cup of coffee, it will not work. Coffee will not cure the roots of tiredness.

These are some steps you can follow to reduce tiredness

1. Make sure you drink enough water. Water is the energy of life. You will feel tired if you don't get enough water. Many parts of human body are made up of water. Drinking enough water is not only good for reducing tiredness but also it will improve your memory and ability to study.

2. Enough sleep - Teenagers should get at least 7-9 hours sleep time and adults should have at least 8 hours sleep time. Enough sleep time is needed otherwise you will feel very sleepy during daytime. However, don't sleep too much. The importance is the quality of your sleep.

3. You should get rid of stress from your life. If you feel stressful you will feel tired. Be happy with your life, you should try to be both mentally and physically healthy.

These tips may at least reduce some tiredness.

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