Monday, July 21, 2008

Hemorrhoid Treatment and Prevention Solutions You Cannot Miss

Many people are always trying to figure out how they can prevent and treat their hemorrhoid problems. You see, hemorrhoids are actually veins that get swollen up around the anus and rectum, and they are a lot like the varicose veins that many people get in their legs. They can end up being itchy, they get swollen and irritation, and in some cases they can be very painful as well if you don't have an effective hemorrhoid treatment. In some cases they can make you start bleeding as well. A variety of different things can cause these problems, including pregnancy, coughing, straining, hard stools, sitting for too long, and heavy lifting as well. So, lets take a look at some of the hemorrhoid treatments and prevention solutions you can.

Preventive Measures

While in many cases you can't help dealing with hemorrhoids, there are a variety of things that you can do to help to prevent them. Preventing them is definitely a better options than having to look for a hemorrhoid treatment, so here are a few preventive measures to try.

Eating Right - First of all, eating right is one way that you can prevent getting hemorrhoids. If you are dealing with constipation, you need to work on getting rid of it or it could cause hemorrhoids. Make sure to add some more fiber to your diet by eating fruits and veggies, beans, bran, and whole grain breads.

Drinking Plenty of Water - Drinking plenty of water is a great way to help you prevent hemorrhoids as well. This can help you make sure that you don't get constipated, which will help keep the hemorrhoids at bay.

Exercising - Even exercise is great for helping to prevent hemorrhoids as well. This will help you get up and going, which helps to prevent constipation too. Also, exercising can help you to keep from sitting all the time, which is important to hemorrhoid prevention.

Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Of course if you do end up having hemorrhoids anyway, you'll want to find a great hemorrhoid treatment. So, here are a few good hemorrhoid treatments to consider trying.

Ice Packs - One hemorrhoid treatment that you may want to try is using ice packs. Using ice packs of the affected area can help to make the area feel numb and it can get rid of the swelling in the area as well. This is a great way to treat your problem.

Warm Baths - Warm baths can also help with hemorrhoid treatment as well. They help to ease the swelling, but they are especially helpful for easing the pain that so many people deal with as well. Sitting in a nice warm bath for about 10 minutes a couple times each day can really help.

Witch Hazel Creams - You'll find that witch hazel creams are also great hemorrhoid treatments too. Witch hazel is actually a natural astringent and it can help to sooth the area and ease some of the irritation that you are dealing with as well.

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