Monday, July 21, 2008

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Seven Simple Steps to Fight Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects more people than you think, and getting through each day can be difficult when you are struggling to keep from being run down. Thankfully, there are things you can do to fight this fatigue and live a relatively normal life.

1. Exercising is very important for keeping you both emotionally and physically healthy. You need to know how much exercise is good for you, and talking to your doctor will help know what will be best. Exercising does not have to be just walking, it can also be swimming, water therapy, stretching, yoga and tai chi.

2. Healthy living is important, including eating a good and nutritious diet and resting. This can keep you alert and awake, even when you are dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

3. You should use your energy wisely when you can. Think of your energy as a gas tank, if you drain it, you are going to run out of the gas. As a result, sit instead of stand, don't go up and down stairs when you don't have to, get a handicapped sticker so you don't have to walk as far, have your groceries delivered and hire someone to clean your house for you. You would be surprised how much energy this can save for you.

4. Schedule rest periods for yourself because when your body needs to rest, then you need to take the time for it. Try and do it before and after activities.

5. Set the priorities for your day and only have the top two or three things you need to do on your list, everything else can be delegated or moved to another day.

6. Try and have fun with the less energy that you have. You need to keep your life balanced with friends and family who you are happy to spend time with.

7. Find out when you have the most energy and then schedule your tasks for then. Whether it is housework, errands, or time with your wife or husband, family and friends. Scheduling your life is very important when you suffer from this condition. You need to know when everything is best for you, and when you can get things done without many problems or the worsening your condition.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of the most difficult conditions a person can deal with. Each day they feel tired and worn out, and this puts a serious strain on their bodies and their lives. However, there are things that can be done to help prevent you from feeling too tired. There is no cure for it, but you can learn ways that you can adjust your life to make things easier on yourself, your friends and your family.

It is important to know when you are tired and to structure your day around that. As well, you need to know how to use your energy wisely, so that you do not wear yourself needlessly. Scheduling and moderation is the key to managing this condition.

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